戦・三国志バトル ライトニングバースト

by Heyshell HK Limited



Large simulation Three Kingdoms battle that combine strategic and social here!


〓〓〓ゲーム紹介〓〓〓時は三国時代...そこで数々の戦場を舞台に、いま熾烈な国家対戦が繰り広げられる!歴戦の名将たちを仲間に迎え、天下統一を目指せ!毎日行われる国家対戦を制し、乱世に名を知らしめろ!〓〓〓ゲームの特徴〓〓〓★同じ「国」の仲間と協力し、勝利を勝ち取れ!大人数による白熱の合戦バトルが可能!毎日開かれる国家任務で活躍し、同国の仲間とうまく連携を取り、世界構図を一気に覆そう!★誰でも超強力なレア武将をGET可能ソロプレイでダンジョンに挑み、次々とクリアしていくと、特定の武将をゲット可能!誰でも必ず超強力な武将が手に入れる!!★いろいろな面から武将を強化できる装備洗練・将星スキル・兵器開発・装飾品加工・城発展・副将合技・武将覚醒。遊び要素満載!!すべての機能を生かし、最強の部隊を作れ!★他のプレイヤーと雌雄を決する様々な舞台!国家戦以外に、他プレイヤーと1対1で勝負できる「競技場」というステージが用意されている。さらに定期に開催される「争覇戦」では別サーバーのプレイヤーとも対戦可能!!さぁ、群雄の中から勝ち上がり、最終的に三国最強の称号を手に入れ、名を「世界」に轟かせろ!〓〓〓 game introduction 〓〓〓When the era Mikuni ...So a number of battlefield on the stage, it is waging is now fierce national competition!Is greeted by fellow coach our veteran, Aim the world unification!And it won the national competition that takes place every day, and Shimero know the name in troubled times!〓〓〓 Game Features 〓〓〓★ In cooperation with colleagues of the same "country", and Kachitore victory!Battle Battle of incandescent by the adult number of possible!Is active in the national mission to be held every day, it takes a good cooperation with the countrys fellow, at once to overturn the worlds composition!★ anyone can GET a super powerful rare warlordsThe challenge to the dungeon in solo play, and one after another, continue to clear, you can get the specific warlords! Anyone always super powerful warlords get! !★ we can strengthen the warlords from various aspectsEquipped with sophisticated, Shosei skill weapons development ornaments processing and Castle development and second in command if skill-warlords awakening.Play elements packed! ! Taking advantage of all the features, to make the strongest troops!★ various stage to attain the other players and the male and female!In addition to the national game, the stage of "stadium" to be able to compete with other players and one-to-one is prepared.Both still player of another server in the "race for supremacy" will be held on a regular can play! !Now, it is up wins from among the males, finally got the three countries strongest title, and Todorokasero the name to "the world"!一、新コンテンツ追加1、新武将育成システム--魂契2、新魂契--趙雲「龍魂」、黄月英「神算」3、新イメージ--龐統「浴火鳳鳴」、陸遜「謀定天下」、主公「冠軍侯-霍去病」4、新乱入イベント--武道会5、新技術--戦功8、挑戦9二、その他1、UI改善--豪運当たり、ルーレット2、BUG修正